Two VERY BIG Announcements!

Two VERY BIG Announcements! 

Announcement One: Anyone who knows me is aware I have been working REALLY hard over the past year to finish the new studio and keep up with my growing photography business.   I have to say that I LOVE how the studio turned out.  However, after many discussions and prayers, we have decided this month will be my last month in the studio.  So why am I choosing to give up something I love and have devoted so much to? The answer is simple, I LOVE my family MORE.  
I finally have everything in place I had worked so hard for.   However,  last year I was away from my family too much.  Even with often pulling all nighters to work, there just weren’t enough hours to be everywhere I needed to be.  It was supposed to be the year where all the hard work and lessons learned from the previous years came together.  There were great successes but unfortunately disappointments too.   I began feeling like a failure to both my family and my business because I couldn’t possibly give enough to it all.  So my husband and I put everything on the table, with hearts willing to do whatever God would have us to do.
We are taking steps towards a healthier balance for our family and our photography business.  So at this time we have decided to keep only the office section of my studio. I will still have an office to work in and meet with clients.  The studio, dressing room, and extra office are wonderful to have. They are not completely necessary though, so I am saying goodbye to them in the next week.
This means I am selling a lot of the COOL items I hunted down
(furniture, decor etc)  and the BIGGEST bloom frame sell EVER!!  
40% on hand frames and 30% off custom orders   WOW!!!  
(cash or check preferred for purchases)
-checks accepted from current clients only
-3% processing fee added for credit card purchases
SATURDAY MAY 10th,   9 am – 3 pm 
MAY 12th-16th by appointment for what is left!
Announcement Two: I will also be taking a break from everything other than weddings.  (Brides and Grooms have no fear!!)  Initially I was only going to give up the studio, but still move forward booking sessions for children and families outdoors or on location.  However, I am now pressing the “restart button” on as much as I can.  I will officially be taking the summer off from shooting sessions.  It will give me more time to focus on my family, my sanity, and this years wedding couples.  If we decide for me to start booking sessions again it will be with a renewed inspiration, new ideas, even better photography, great customer service, and systems in place for all of it.  I love photographing children and families so of course I would like to come back to it, but I need to stop and take a breath.  My life has been CRAZY for TOO long, which creates the formula for things to go wrong!  I don’t want that for my family, my business, or myself.  Quite honestly none of which are “mine” to begin with because they belong to God and I trust His hands, His timing, and His ways WAY more than mine.
None of this is easy for me.  In fact, I broke down crying when I shared this news with a wonderful client and thankful to also say friend. She encouraged me, and shared something she read about “God’s darkroom”.   It was so fitting for how I have been feeling lately that I would like to share.    So try to remember vintage photography with me for a moment ;) …
Excerpts from “Our Daily Bread” by Henry G. Bosch
In the development of photographs, the film must first be taken into a darkroom. Only after the chemicals have done their work in the dark is it safe to expose the negatives to light and produce the final prints. The light, which would have destroyed the film, now brings out its beauty.

God takes us through “darkroom” experiences to develop us. As we pass through trial, sorrow, frustration, and disappointment, the image of Christ is produced in us. Then we are ready to be displayed in the light.

Although this is very bittersweet, I do have peace in knowing it is the right decision.I look forward to what God wants to teach me and what He has for us through all of this.   8-)


*Be sure to “like” Stefanie S Adams Photography on Facebook and click “follow” to stay in the loop on things to come!!

Gerry and Jeniene Engagement

I got the pleasure of meeting Gerry for the first time during his trip from England!  We had a blast hanging out at the park!  We had some laughs discussing some of the differences in the use of the English language in America and England.

For instance, have you ever wondered why Americans call it a “Restroom” when there aren’t any beds in there? Gerry has!  LOL

Excited for them to finally be together in England after the wedding but we will miss our Jeniene!  You will just have to bring me to England for a session. ;) ;)

2013-07-12_0014 2013-07-12_0015 So I learned Gerry has some secret moves he brought over from England!  lol

Despite the PG rating, that’s all I’m allowed to say! hahaha

They definitely make Jeniene crack up laughing as you see below as well as myself behind the camera!

2013-07-12_0016 2013-07-12_0017 2013-07-12_00222013-07-12_0018I don’t quite know what was going on in the picture above.  Were you trying to say “Touchdown” Gerry?

Yes, you scored a touchdown and the extra point with Jeniene! :)

2013-07-12_00212013-07-12_0019 Yes, Gerry, I told you I took a picture with the American Flag in it just for you! :) :)2013-07-12_0020Their full gallery link will be posted soon. :)

Tim and Jamie Wedding

Congratulations to Tim and Jamie!!

Started off the day with Jamie at Julia’s Bed and Breakfast then headed over to St. James in Boardman Park for the ceremony.  It was there that Jamie’s Dad got a glimpse of her for the first time.  What a sweet moment!  She was pointing at him to tell him not to cry but there was no stopping him.  Daddy’s little girl got married!

Then off to Shakers for a shot with the bridal party.  Sure did!

Thankfully the rain held off for us to have some fun on the golf carts at Squaw Creek!2013-07-12_00232013-07-12_0035

2013-07-12_0024 2013-07-12_00262013-07-12_00252013-07-12_0028
2013-07-12_00292013-07-12_0031For the record, the group shot of the guys above was not staged at all by me. lol  Yes, this is right after another groomsmen delivered a hit below the belt.  Yep, it happened…2013-07-12_0030No one jumped in the pool of course but great for some fun shots!
2013-07-12_0027Not exactly the plan for the picture below!  hahahaha
2013-07-12_0033Our groom was given a gift during the toasts to remind him of a paper he signed years ago stating, “I will never get married”. lol

So I put my vote in for the shot of them holding it together as the picture of the day!  Hahahaha  2013-07-12_0032

Enjoy their full day here! :)

Dave and Dana Wedding

Congratulations Dave and Dana!

2013-07-12_0011 2013-07-12_0001A teacher and her students!  How fun! :)

Bang Bang!! LOL!2013-07-12_00032013-07-12_0004 2013-07-12_0005 OMG!!  :) :)

2013-07-12_0007Look who joined us in his own Tuxedo!!


One of the most special moments I have had the privilege to capture.  Dave surprised Dana with singing a song her wrote to her.  So Beautiful!! 2013-07-12_00132013-07-12_0009Enjoy their full day here!  View, Share, Order. :)

Lucy is One!

Happy 1st Birthday to Lucy!!

She was definitely on the move checking out anything and everything at the park.  Some of her favs…rocks, mulch, and dirt!  That’s my kind of gal!! lol :)

What fun expressions she has!

 I have been told the tongue out of her mouth is classic Lucy! love it!2013-07-11_00082013-07-11_00072013-07-11_0009 2013-07-11_0010 2013-07-11_0011Click here for the full gallery.  :)